Wouldn't it be a wonderful
thing to be the apple of God's eye! To be the apple of one's eye is to be very
precious or dear to that person! God Himself used this phrase when speaking
about His people under the first covenant, the Jews: "...He kept him as the apple of His
eye." (Deut. 32:10); "...for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple
of His eye." (Zech. 2:8).
King David said in Psalms 17:8: "Keep
me as the apple of the eye; hide me under the shadow of Thy wings" Oh yes, how wonderful, to be the 'apple
of God's eye! That is what we should be striving for! Reaching for, to please
the Creator above all else, so He will look upon us as the apple of His eye!
Are you? Am I?
We are encouraged in Proverbs 7:2; "Keep My commandments
and live; and My law as the apple of thine eye." In other words, if WE work to obey God's teachings in the right
way, which makes them become the apple of our eye,
then we become the apple of God's Eye!
I would encourage you to seek
to be the apple of God's Eye. Seek to keep His commandments in order that you
might live.