Verse by Verse
In this
section I would like to study the Bible with you on a verse by verse approach.
It is important to understand the context of Gods Word because many people
today take Scriptures out of their context and teach false doctrine! That is why
we have so many different beliefs in the world today that claim to be taught in
the Bible!
by teaching all different kinds of religious beliefs from God's Holy Word, we
make God to seem to contradict Himself, which is actually impossible, because
God is not the author of confusion (I Corinthians 14:33).
We will try
to hit the main points in the verses with the context. I don't intend to
discuss every point in each Scripture, as I could never get it done in this
database! But I will try to discuss what I believe to be important in our
efforts to try and please our Creator that we may be found faithful and be able
to enter into heaven that we may serve Him forever and ever!
I will be
adding to these Scriptural studies as time permits, and will try to have some
comments in each book listed. Although I dearly love studying the Old
Testament, due to lack of space in this web page, I will center on the New
Testament, which Law we are under today.
I Corinthians
II Corinthians
I Thessalonians
II Thessalonians
I Timothy
II Timothy